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With learning experiences and opportunities shifting to online environments while we are #TogetherApart, many publishers and content creators are making their copyright-protected online content available by extending free access to students, families, and educators. The team at ARC-BC has created a list of these content providers to support efforts to ensure continuity of learning for all students in British Columbia.
~Accessible Resource Centre, British Columbia
Audible is not free.
Use this link above to access some titles Audible has made freely available.
Do not download the app unless you want to purchase a subscription.
30-day free trial
Requires username and password -
contact Ms. Caines for access!
Textbooks (eFormat)
Access pending September 2020
Access pending September 2020
Username: Free Password: 2020
Available in English and French
Online Learning
Support with assistive technology for learning communication, alternative access, low vision, and blindness needs.
Free 2-week trial
Select course at the top left to navigate the available topics. No sign-in required.
Free 2-week trial
View films, documentaries, and more from the National Film Board of Canada
All subjects. No signup required.
Other Stuff!
"The Crisis Centre values the importance of community, connection, and support during this current health situation. To support our mental health and wellbeing, we are expanding our mindfulness-based programs online for youth and adults. "
"As the Langley community comes together during an unprecedented time, and in an effort to support the health and wellbeing of children and families, we have put together a list of resources."
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